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DISC-model, Thomas-analysis

Thomas System
The analysis is based on the model and the disc was originally developed by Marston in 1928 and used in further developed form under different names (PPA - DISC-model, Thomas-analysis).

How does PPA - DISC Model?
Test person presented 96 questions arranged in a "forced choice" design, with 24 sets of 4 questions. It should not take more than 8-10 minutes to complete.

Showing PPA - DISC-model "good" and "bad" skills?
No. PPA - DISC-model provides the decision-maker with an understanding of the behavior of the person prefers to express and the typical characteristics will visei work situation. There is no "right" or "wrong" answers.

High ethical standards
Candidates receive an individual, personal feedback by a certified consultant from Nymand & Vogelius (as certified by Thomas International) and are required to apply the Thomas system from a high ethical standard.

Thomas the system consists of:

·         Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)

·         Position Profile Analysis (SPA)

·         Thomas Team Analysis (TTA)


Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)
Personal Profile Analysis gauge a person's behavior in 4 descriptive factors - "DISC", see below.

D:     Dominance
I:       Influence
S:      Stability
C:      Adaptive

Contact us for further information and inspiration - click here: Nymand and Vogelius

Personal Profile Analysis also describes the nominee in the following 3 situations:

·         Self Image: The person's preferred behavior / natural creature.

·         Working Profile: The person's behavior in the present work.

·         Behavior under pressure: The person's behavior in a particular pressure situation.

 The following shows the dominant behavior features of the highest and lowest factor value. The result of a Personal Profile Analysis is measured in these 4 dimensions in an individual and unique mix of high and low values:

Position Profile Analysis (SPA)

Nothing is more overlooked - and nothing is more important - than to start by assessing the behavioral skills we want in the job. Thomas PPA & SPA system allows for quick and efficient process to develop the competence profiles of the organization's various functions.

With Thomas PPA / SPA system, I immediately get an insight into how an individual matches or does not match, the current job function.

We offer recruitment and effective selection processes using DISC - click here

Thomas Team Analysis (TTA)
Thomas Team Analysis (TTA) identify the ideal team culture and provide a Gap Analysis in relation to the match and behavioral deficiencies. TTA will also assess each team member in relation to team culture. Thomas Team Analysis (TTA) makes you able to build strong, best team. Existing teams strengthened by identifying the team members' roles and determine their individual training and development needs.

Thomas Team Analysis can be useful for a dialogue-based process to promote understanding of each participant's personal and occupational functioning. For the purpose established a personality analysis of each participant. The analysis used for determining the team structure and through dialogue established team strengths and limitations.

Contact us for further information and inspiration - click here: Nymand and Vogelius