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Recruitment and personality assessment

Recruitment and personality assessment Recruiting is more than just to get a position filled quickly.

Within recruitment offers Nymand & Vogelius advice on effective selection processes to ensure the best possible match between the candidate, jobs and business. We attend and / or advisor in the recruitment process of preparing job profile, personal profile, ad design, when employment interviews, presentations to decision and replication, retention and motivation of the new employee.

Responsible recruitment has three fundamental areas of focus in relation to ensuring the right match between candidate, jobs, direct and firm:

1. Against the company
A new employee may have a potentially very important in both positive and negative direction and affect both the working environment, relationships with customers (internal and external) and especially the bottom line. While costing a failed recruitment and induction process is often the company dearly in dollars and one cent (up to 2.5 annual salary), frustrations, annoyances lost customers, etc. Recruitment is therefore of strategic importance since the success or failure can have a dramatic effect on organizational performance and results.

2. To candidate
The consequences of a failure of recruitment may be loss of self-esteem and subsequent emotional insecurity among the employees. Also the firm's reputation may suffer as a recruiting mistake.

3. To the controller itself
A leader's success depends on his ability to recruit and retain the right people at the right position. Their skills are highly instrumental in the supervisor's own success.
The most common and most critical and time-consuming managerial mistakes often have a close relationship with the recruitment or placement of staff oh leaders in positions that do not match the motivations and behavioral candidate profile.

To minimize this and to ensure the best possible locations, working Nymand & Vogelius as an adviser and sounding out the work.

The recruitment process

Recruitment is a leader role, which often are under a great time, require urgent action and too many leaders are not a core competency. We therefore offer advice and / or participation in structuring the recruitment process so that it contributes to a professional business matching between candidate and job including induction of new employees.

Recruitment - Step by step:

    1. Recruitment Agreement & Expectation Vote
    2. Jobprofilanalyse & Job Evaluation
    3. Personal Profile Analysis & Assessment
    4. Ad Design
    5. Screening of candidates
    6. Interview and selection of candidate
    7. Introduction, motivation and retention of new employees

Recruitment: Step 1 - Recruitment & Expectation Agreement Vote

Development of the recruitment agreement where appropriate requirements for candidates are reviewed and the time frame and budget of course agreed. Interviews with selected key persons, including any. role model in a similar job and / or the candidate's next leader to define and describe the job and candidate profile in relation to:

·         The company's vision, strategy and culture

·         Organization and management

·         Division's objectives and possible. composition

·         Demands and wishes of future behavior


Recruitment: Step 2 - Jobprofilanalyse & Job Evaluation

Before you can recruit the right person for the right job, you need to understand not only the person's behavioral profile, but as much of the behavioral style of the current job function requires
It is very important that the description of the post content is formulated as precisely as possible in the job profile analysis - and to distinguish clearly between what is required and what is desired.

We use Thomas DISC post profile analysis, which identifies the personal characteristics the ideal candidate must have. Thomas the system allows for quick and efficient process to develop the competence profiles of the organization's various functions.

We will usually 2 people (including the practitioner) from the company to respond to the analysis and the result is used partly to have a useful dialogue on the future requirements of the personal qualities and partly to prepare text for the ad, and finally for later screening of candidates

Job requirements system helps you to describe the key requirements of the current job. The process is structured and gives you a framework to assess the various candidates from a very objective description of the characteristics the job requires.

Recruitment: Step 3 - Personal Profile Analysis & Assessment

Equally important is to know why the position exists (job description) and know the requirements of the post (Job Profile Analysis) - just as importantly, to prepare a personal description - in other words, WHO are you looking for?

Personal Profile Analysis describes the candidate in the following 3 situations:

    1. Working Profile: The person's behavior in the present
    2. Behavior under pressure: The person's behavior in a
     particular situation, the pressure
    3. Self Image: The person's preferred behavior / natural

Personal Profile Analysis is working at both the unconscious and the conscious level of a person and reveals a person's preferred behavioral style in the three above mentioned areas. It identifies the tasks that a person motivated by and what tasks a person is trying to avoid. Moreover, a person's strengths and development areas, behaviors which minimize stress for the person and conduct which requires little or much energy in everyday life.

Recruitment: Step 4 - Ad Design

When the ad to be designed, we offer coaching and advice on selecting the ad sections, phrases and terms that will match, and thus attract the desired candidate profile. Language of the ad position may in the light of processed DISC profiles formulated in such a way that it helps to attract the right candidates, thereby saving the company and not appropriate candidates for a significant amount of resources in terms of time, money and annoyances.

Recruitment: Step 5 - Screening of candidates

We recommend that you send a Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) to the candidates whose professional / technical skills according to their CV looks to match job requirements and as we originally wanted to look for an initial screening interview. In this way already before the first interview could select the candidates, reduce the number of candidates interviewed Monday and only interviewing those candidates whose background and related behavioral profile best suited for the post. The benefit is full focus on the candidates whose profile matches the job behavioral requirements best, and saved time, energy and costs of screening interviews.

All candidates, even those who do not come to the interview but have been offered a personal profile assessment, will of course be offered feedback on their personal profile analysis.

Recruitment: Step 6 - Interview and selection of candidate

A good interview starts with a good preparation, planning and structuring the process.

If you prefer that we participate in the interview we agree in advance the role of the division where our role has typically focused on identifying behavioral traits profile candidate's previous experience in life which may or confirm the results from the personal profile analysis and will contribute to success in the new job. The professional level, we typically leave to the hiring manager to evaluate and compare, we deepen the candidate's educational, professional and social background and identifies areas of importance for the future job performance including matched to the leader and firm culture. The interview is conducted in an atmosphere of equality and mutual respect in which the candidate's behavioral style and personal and professional competencies identified.

Do you prefer to handle the interview, we can help with advice on how to structure the interview, how to on the basis of candidates' personality profiles provide the best possible forum and interviews will open up most of the candidates through specific questions and asking techniques.

Following the talks we evaluate the analytical results and compare the original result of the post profile analysis of personality profile analysis in order to identify the difference between the ideal profile and the real profiles. Also we compare which of the candidates in the final box which best match the requirements and so many of the desirable requirements as possible. We recommend at last a candidate for appointment, but it is obviously up to the employing company to make the final choice.

Recruitment: Step 7 - Introduction and restraint

To kick start a recruitment process, we offer to help the new employee receives the best possible start in his new job. From the profile analysis and dialogue with the candidate and his new manager, we make a 3-month action plan and expect a vote for a successful start in the business and creating visibility around the potential challenges that will be much easier to handle because we have discussed them over from the beginning. The hiring manager will be extended to a depth sounding of the new employee's motivation factors, and strengths and weaknesses.

Are you with tasks in the recruitment or restructuring of your staff - please contact Peter Nymand on
+45 2681 3182 or e-mail, so he helps you find the best solution.