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Teamkompas - Teamkompasset - MBTI - JTIMBTI Team compass - Organizing Teams for Maximum Effectiveness

Understanding team members preferences is a critical component in developing individual, team and organizational performance. The purpose of the team compass is to use the individual MBTI preferences as a means of establishing a common awareness of the team preferences within the team: what possibilities and challenges does the team possess according to their MBTI code? The Team Compass is a useful tool in ensuring that a team gives due importance to every aspect of accomplishing a task whether it’s information gathering, ideating, organising or implementing. 

The Team Compass is a practical tool that operates with 8 different team roles that are equivalent to the work processes to be performed in teams to achieve optimum performance. Any personality type can undertake any team role. However, as we get our energy and motivation from doing mainly three of the eight roles, these roles will be most satisfying for us to fulfil.   Furthermore as we normally will focus our attention and effort to these roles, chances are that we also are many times more efficient when performing in team roles based on our preferences.

The team compass helps individuals, teams and organizations by visualizing potential strengths and potential development areas that the team has in order to fulfill its objective. By knowing the teams natural preferences and combining the team profile with the team’s objective, tasks and work processes we have a match that can be used for understanding potential team difficulties and most of all used as a framework for planning future team performances.

Basically the concepts and models at the heart of the Team compass are designed to help team members understand how they can be linked together to produce a high-performing team. It can be used to resolve conflicts, help in development and support appraisal outcomes in a more objective way. It is this kind of insight and understanding that can make the team process effective in a business situation and generate the required results and the team compass is therefore often used as a tool to enhance team performance and avoid pitfalls.

The Team Compass is based on the individual's MBTI profile, which means that team development can be a natural extension of individual and group MBTI feedback.

Potential benefits of working with the Team compass

  • Provides a complete approach to building and maintaining balanced, high-energy teams

  • Provides a practical model for effective teamwork in any context

  • Gives an overview of how balanced the team is in relation to team tasks and objectives

  • Identify team strengths and potential challenges

  • Promotes mutual understanding and respect for individual differences

  • Highlights the importance of understanding and managing diversity

  • Provides an opportunity for more open communication

  • Improve individual and group capacities to solve problems, communicate, and use conflict constructively

  • Maximize the natural advantages that result from the similarities and differences of team members

  • Work around—or minimize—potential blind spots

  • Develop team and individual action plans with specific steps to help improve performance

Contact us for further information and inspiration - click here: Nymand and Vogelius

® Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. OPP Limited is licensed to use the trade marks in Europe.