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Mentor Coaching

Mentorcoaching gives you the opportunity to evolve you as a person into a coach, and at the same time, still fulfil the requirements, which are given by ICF in relation with the ACC-, PCC-, or MCC-certification. From the 1st July 2008, ICF demands, that you in addition to you coacheducation, have 10 hours lessons in mentercoaching by another certificated mentorcoach. This means, if you in Denmark, apply for an ACC-certificate, you will need your mentorcoach from an ACC- or a PCC-certificate. If you apply for a PCC-certificate you must have you mentorcoaching from a PCC- or MCC-certificate coach.

Mentorcoaching ensure you that you will maintain you’re coaching competencies and coaching skills. In addition to this mentorcoaching is also a good way to get better as a coach, and ensure you, your own positive development. In a mentorcoaching session, you will get your own goals. The process will get you bigger consciousness, and will help you, to reach your goals. Mentorcoaching is for you, who work as a coach or as a coaching-leader, who wish to get challenged on your dreams and goals. We use LSP-processes (Lego Serious Play) in relation to our mentorcoaching. We are both members of ICF (International Coach Federation) and certificated coaches at ACC- and PCC-level. Besides that, we naturally act up to the ethical rules, which are defined by ICF.

Contact Fredi Falk Vogelius at his cell-phone: + 45 4050 3911 or e-mail him, and you will hear more about our mentor coaching.

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